Open BOX
The essential features of a new Sneaker opened from a BOX are the same as the original Sneaker.
When opening the BOX, the user will get a new Sneaker level 0. Immediately after opening them, the player can use them to move and earn money. The system will record the number and update your shoe inventory. The player's energy will also be updated based on the Energy Systems.
Similar to the original Sneaker, the new Sneaker has 6 mint slots, and users can continue to mint BOX from this Sneaker, the mint mechanism is based on Mint BOX.
Type of New Sneaker
New Sneakers will have type according to the following table:
Rarity of New Sneaker
When opening the BOX, new Sneaker will have a rarity ratio based on the rarity of the Sneaker BOX.
Stats of New Sneaker
New Sneaker will be randomly added the following stats:
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